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Born in Albacete, but an adoptive son of Zaragoza, Jesus started to make his name known to Spanish readers with the fanzine 451º, and then the Azoth miniseries. His first American work, Iron Reich 3000, was published in Dark Horse Presents, and he followed it with a story for Star Wars Tales (both for Dark Horse Comics).

His first work for DC Comics was JLA: Black Baptism, and he followed it with Midnight, Mass. (Vertigo) and 21 Down (Wildstorm) before returning to the DC Universe, where he’s done books like Manhunter, The OMAC Project, Countdown to Infinite Crisis, The Crime Bible, DC Legacies, Zatanna, or Checkmate.

He worked with J. Michael Straczynski on The Brave & The Bold ongoing series for DC, and their work has been nominated for an Eisner Award in the Best Single Issue category for issue #28, starring Flash and The Blackhawks.

After launching the New-52 Birds of Prey book, Jesus moved briefly to Resurrection Man, and Beowulf for the Sword of Sorcery book, before jumping to a great run on Swamp Thing, and the Green Lantern Corps miniseries, The Lost Army, where he colored his own interior work for the first time. After that, he moved to Marvel after almost 15 years at DC, where he worked on Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill one-shot and launched the Captain America: Steve Rogers series. 

After a couple issues on Avengers, Jesus, exclusive artist with Marvel, is currently working on Dr. Strange!


Avengers; Captain America; Standoff; Green Lantern Corps; Swamp Thing: Justice League, Beowulf; Resurrection Man; Birds of Prey; DC LEGACIES; Zatanna, Crime Bible: Lust; Checkmate; OMAC Project; Manhunter; 21 down; Midnight, Mass...

Spider-Men II issues #1-5 connected variant covers
Dr. Strange #1, cover
Captain America #25, cover
Jedi of the Republic: Mace Windu #2
Avengers #672, page 1
Avengers #672, page 12
Avengers #672, page 15
Avengers #674, page 7
Avengers #674, page 10
Avengers #674, page 19
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